Sunday 3 April 2011

When you're tired of London...

When you're tired of London you're tired of life, Johnson famously quipped.

And London was host to quite a few scientists that grew tired of life and are buried in its many cemeteries.

I've already written about some of the giants who lie in Westminster Abbey: Darwin, Newton, Rutherford, Herschel, Hunter, Lyell, Thomson, etc.

Here are the Greater London locations of some of the other scientists, explorers, and inventors:

Alexander Fleming... St Pauls Cathedral crypt
Archibald Menzies... Kensal Green (tombstone fallen & illegible)
Charles Babbage... Kensal Green
Charles Wheatstone... Kensal Green
Christoper Wren... St Pauls Cathedral crypt
David Don... Kensal Green
George Vancouver... St Peter's Churchyard, Petersham
Edmund Halley... St. Margaret's Churchyard, Lewisham (with John Pond)
Franz Bauer... St Anne's Church, Kew (inside)
George Don... Kensal Green
George Price... St Pancras & Islington Cemetery, Finchley (unmarked grave at plot #90, section K10).
Herbert Spencer... Highgate Cemetery, west (opposite Marx)
Isambard Kingdom Brunel... Kensal Green
John Gould... Kensal Green
John Harrison... St John's Churchyard, Hampstead
John Theophilus Desaguliers... Queens Chapel Savoy, off The Strand
Jacob Bronowski... Highgate Cemetery, east (on the public tour)
John Ross...Kensal Green
John Snow... Brompton Cemetery
Joseph Banks... St Leonard's Church, Heston (near Heathrow)
Joseph Lister... Hampstead Cemetery
Joseph Hooker... St Anne's Church, Kew
William Hooker... St Anne's Church, Kew
Michael Faraday... Highgate Cemetery - east (not normally accessible to the public)
Robert Boyle... St Martins in the Fields, Trafalgar Square (tombstone is lost)
Robert Brown... Kensal Green
Robert Hooke... City of London Cemetery, St Helens Bishopgate memorial
Robert McCormick... Kensal Green
Roderick Murchinson... Bromptom Cemetery
Rosalind Franklin... Willesden Jewish Cemetery
Samuel Pepys... St Olave Hart Street (together with wife)
Sigmund Freud... Golders Green (cremated, urn for ashes)
Thomas Bayes... Bunhill Fields
Thomas Harriot... Bank of England (plaque only where grave used to be)
Thomas Henry Huxley... East Finchley Cemetery
Thomas Newcomen... Bunhill Fields (lost)
Walter Raleigh... St Margaret's (next to Westminster Abbey)
William Westall... St John's Churchyard, Hampstead

Those not buried in London...

Ada Lovelace...  Church of St Mary Magdalene Hucknall, Nottingham (family tomb with Lord Byron)
Adam Smith... Canongate Kirkyard, Edinburgh
Aldous Huxley... Watts Cemetery, Compton (family grave with Leonard, Julian)
Alfred Russell Wallace... Broadstone Cemetery, Broadstone, Dorset
Arthur Eddington... Ascension Burial Ground, Cambridge
Charles Clerke... Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Kamchatka Peninsula
Count Rumford (Benjamin Thompson)... Auteuil cemetery, Paris
David Hume... Old Calton cemetery, Calton Hill, Edinburgh
Erasmus Darwin... All Saints Church, Breadsall
Ernest Shackleton... Grytviken, South Georgia
Francis Bacon... St Michaels Church, St Albans
Francis Darwin... Ascension Burial Ground, Cambridge
Francis Galton... Claverdon Churchyard
George Anson... Colwich, Staffordshire
George Moore... Ascension Burial Ground, Cambridge
Henry Cavendish... Derby Cathedral, Derby
Horace Darwin... Ascension Burial Ground, Cambridge
Humphrey Davy... Cimetière des Rois, Geneva
James Clark Ross...  The Abbey, Aston Abbotts churchyard, Buckinghamshire
James Clerk Maxwell.... Parton Kirk, Scotland
James Hutton... Greyfriars Kirkyard, Edinburgh
James Watt... St Marys Church, Handsworth, Birmingham
John Evelyn... St John the Evangelist, Wotton (inside the church)
John Flamsteed... Burstow Church, Surrey
Josiah Wedgwood I... Stoke-on-Trent church 
Joseph Black... Greyfriars Kirkyard, Edinburgh
Joseph Priestley... Riverview Cemetery in Northumberland, Pennsylvania
Joseph Wright... Derby Cathedral, Derby
Julian Huxley... Watts Cemetery, Compton (family grave with Leonard, Aldous)
Lise Meitner... St James Church, Bramley, Hampshire
Lord Rayleigh...  Terling Place, Witham in Essex (family plot)... aka John Strutt
Ludwig Wittgenstein... Ascension Burial Ground, Cambridge
Paul Dirac... Tallahassee, Florida
Richard Hakluyt... the Cathedral Church of the Holy Undivided Trinity, Bristol
Robert Falcon Scott... Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica
Thomas Malthus... Bath Abbey, Bath
Thomas Young... St Giles Church, Farnborough, Kent
William Gilbert... Holy Trinity Church, Colchester (church closed)
William Harvey... Hempstead Church, Essex
William Henry Fox Talbot... Lacock church
William Herschel... St Laurence’s Church, Upton, near Slough
William Hamilton... Slebech Old Church, Pembrokeshire (small memorial plaque)
William Smith... St Peters Church, Marefair, Northampton

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